Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ottoman and Safavid

In the late Islamic period (16th -18th), perhaps even more so than in preceding periods, art was an instrument of dynastic expression in this great age of empires. Spurred by royal patronage, the arts flourished under the Ottomans and Safavids. Ottoman art was a vibrant synthesis of Turkish and Persian-Islamic, Byzantine, and Mediterranean culture and styles through conquest, through direct invitation of artisans, or through the migration of peoples.The Ottoman Turks were renowned for their architecture, as well as for their traditions of calligraphy and miniature painting. They were also renowned for their decorative arts including carpet weaving, jewelry making, paper marbling, and their characteristic Iznik ware ceramics. The Ottomans promoted themselves as the defenders of Islam, and this explains why their public art includes a rich variety of ornamental designs but no human figures. Plant- and flower-based patterns were the most common.Observing Iznik ceramics, a superficial ab straction is dominant in the naturalistic plant designs. Besides, around 16th century Ottoman Miniature Art reached its peak. The Miniatures and illuminated manuscripts were created largely for the emperors, with their focus mostly on the important and powerful figures in their retinues. A unique feature of Ottoman Miniature was that it depicted the actual events realistically, while also keeping the abstract formal expressive touch of the traditional Islamic Art.The Safavid style developed in Iran from 1500, when the country was re-united under the dynasty of this name. Unlike their Ottoman neighbors, the Safavids had no qualms about depicting human beings in all forms of art. These figures became an unusually prominent feature of the Safavid style. Depictions of elegant young men and women, often shown in outdoor settings, adorned many objects, from clothing to the bindings of manuscripts. One of the most renowned manuscripts from the period is a now-dispersed copy of the Shahnama epic.Also textiles and carpets were manufactured of luxury materials as furnishings for the court. The most famous is a pair known as the Ardabil Carpets, created in 1539-1540. The carpets were nearly identical, perfectly symmetrical and enormous. Every inch of space was filled with flowers, scrolling vines, and medallions. Although the central medallion and the repeating patterns throughout the carpet is similar to Ottoman but the Ardabil carpets have A wide range of colors than Ottoman’s which is heavily dependent on reds and blues.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

An Analysis Of ‘Hills Like White Elephants’ By Ernest Hemingway Essay

‘Hills like White Elephants’ is a very clever story written by a journalist, turned ambulance driver, turned military, turned prose and fiction writer.   Ernest Hemingway was popular for his novels and short stories, but before he entertained his passion for the art of storytelling, he worked for the Kansas City Star as a reporter; he was also an ambulance driver during World War I and enlisted in the Italian infantry. He took every opportunity to wield the pen, in fact, after the war; he worked for the Toronto Star.   Hemingway was more in love with the pen than with the musket as during the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War, he even worked as a news correspondent.   This brilliant writer produced exceptional pieces of literature that are cherished for their quality to this day such as ‘Death in the Afternoon’, ‘The Green Hills of Africa’, ‘A Farewell to Arms’, ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’, and ‘The Old Man and the Sea’. Hemingway drew from his experiences in the motifs of his pieces which usually had masculine motifs like hunting, war, and other activities associated with the masculine gender.   For some strange reason, however, Hemingway committed suicide in 1961.   His works of short fiction were far better than his novels; however it is with his novels that he built a reputation for himself.   ‘Hills like White Elephants’ is one of his short stories that quite reflects the skill of Hemingway as a fictionist. ‘Hills like white Elephants’ is a piece of literature that demonstrates what is known to literaturists as literary control in tackling the main theme which is abortion.   It is a story that addresses a very sensitive issue with the use of allegory and a philosophical approach to fiction known as existentialism. The story ‘Hills like White Elephants’ is a relatively ‘short’ short story that is ridden with symbolism; for all its worth, it might have as well been a piece of poetry, if not for its obvious narrative style.   It is about two individuals, an unnamed American and Jig who have a discussion over some drinks at a train station in Spain. The matter of their discussion is vague at first, and becomes clear to be abortion later on.   The piece is a ‘silent’ commentary about the difference of views between males and females in general as well as the poignant reaction of both genders to news that may or may not change ones way of life.   In this particular story, Hemingway used the third person perspective to give the audience a sense of distance when reading the story.   By this, it means that the audience, instead of closely associating themselves with the characters in the story, would instead, identify themselves on a different level, thus, giving even the subject matter of the story a metaphorical feel, despite its being a tangible and quite material issue. This distinct level of identification in the story because of the narrative is a technique used by most writers to create a more general feel to the story; so that the audience, in reading the story, does not have to attach themselves to a particular detail and identify with that detail.   Noticeably so, this same quality of the story is also achieved by Hemingway’s use of direct, relatively short sentences for the conversation of the two characters.   This technique, again, gives the story a distinct indifferent feel. It allows the reader to explore the story on various levels instead of just zooming into one particular aspect of the story.   It also prevents the audience from succumbing to the temptation of making specific conclusions about the story early on; from the temptation of simply disregarding other details in the story and focusing on the main subject matter, which is abortion.   Even this particular issue is never mentioned in the piece, except in the form of symbols and indirect statements from the characters. This particular style of writing, where the writer skimps on words, and instead, attaches multi-level meanings to the text is known as literary control.   The main theme of abortion is addressed in this particular style, to begin with the title itself, â€Å"Hills like White Elephants†. (Hemingway, 1950)   The title, which is illustrated more in the first paragraph of the story which describes the setting, acquires a new level of interpretation from the passage, â€Å"The hills across the valley of the Ebro were long and white.† (Hemingway, 1950); and the girl continues to describe the barren landscape, â€Å"They look like white elephants†. (Hemingway, 1950) What this does in particular is it foreshadows the main theme of the story by presenting something decrepit or useless.   ‘White elephants’ are accepted to be symbols of huge structures that are not functional, and in the way this particular phrase is used to describe the hills in the story, it takes on a different meaning – that the hills, barren and dry, supposedly representations of abundance and fertility, are apparently ‘white’ or ineffectual on a superficial level. This particular style combines two opposing images, that of fertility in the hills, and emptiness, in the perception of Jig.   What this does is it confirms Jig’s pregnancy, but alludes to this pregnancy being empty, in the sense that she feels that her pregnancy is meaningless, if not to her, to her lover.   The tension in the conversation is given another push with the man’s remark about Jig’s description of the hills, â€Å"I’ve never seen one (white elephant)†. (Hemingway, 1950) Then Jig responds, â€Å"No, you wouldn’t have.† (Hemingway, 1950)   On   the level that has been discussed, this particular exchange in their conversation basically presents the man as being indifferent not only to the feelings of Jig but to the concept of emptiness and aloneness; that other than not being able to sense how Jig is feeling at the moment, he also is naturally and habitually indifferent, selfish, even. This early in the story, there is also an indication as to the personality of Jig being very dependent and attached to the man because of her requiring his approval first before she does anything; in having a drink, she asks, â€Å"What should we drink†¦Could we try it (Anis del Toro)?† (Hemingway, 1950); and when she is asked if she would take the drink with water, she asks (addressing the man), â€Å"I don’t know†¦Is it good with water?† (Hemingway, 1950) These statements from the girl show how valuable the man’s approval of her decisions is.   These show the weightiness of the man’s decisions even with matters concerning Jig.   This particular exchange also gives the audience an idea of how the tone will be when the main issue of abortion comes into play.   At this point, the girl also senses the indifference of the man and indicates this with the line, â€Å"Everything tastes like licorice.   Especially the things you’ve waited so long for, like absinthe.† (Hemingway, 1950) The girl here makes an indirect reference to their lifestyle – that nothing is new with them – and suddenly, when something new happens – she gets pregnant – the man refuses to accept the change.   In particular, this also gives a slight indication that the girl wants to continue the pregnancy when she implied that it is a change that she ‘waited so long for’ (Hemingway 1950)   This interpretation is further strengthened when the girl remarks, â€Å"That’s all we do, isn’t it – look at things and try new drinks?† (Hemingway, 1950) Another indication as to the lifestyle of this couple comes later in the story, with the author’s description of the bags at the station, â€Å"He did not say anything but looked at the bags against the wall of the station. There were labels on them from all the hotels where they had spent nights.† (Hemingway, 1950)   This description of the bags creates the imagery of the owners of the bags being people who are on a pleasure trip from one place to another.   Bags are also used here to represent the emotional or mental baggage that the man is carrying as a consequence of the pregnancy of Jig. When the man finally reveals in the story that he wants Jig to have an abortion, in the passage, â€Å"†It’s really an awfully simple operation, Jig, †¦ It’s not really an operation at all.† (Hemingway, 1950), the tension begins to rise, and more symbols emerge.   Of course, with this remark from the man, the girl becomes silent and does not react. However, her first line after this revelation is â€Å"Then what will we do afterward?† (Hemingway, 1950)   Basically, what this does is it amplifies the emptiness of the woman in relation to the abortion – her asking ‘what to do afterwards’ (Hemingway, 1950) shows that she does not see anything after the abortion; that everything after the abortion is covered in haze.   The man further refers to the pregnancy as something that has made them both unhappy (Hemingway, 1950), in response, the girl takes hold of two strings of beads from the bead curtain and says, â€Å"†And you think then we’ll be all right and be happy.†. (Hemingway, 1950) However, note that although the girl almost validates the statement of the man regarding the pregnancy, notice the action of holding the beads – while this can easily be passed off as an unconscious musing, it could also be symbolic for ‘prayer’.   Beads are derived from the old Middle English word ‘bede’ which means prayer.   The string of beads as described very much look like the ones in rosaries; hence, it could be interpreted that although the girl seems to agree with the man, she is praying or hoping against all hope that abortion was not the solution to their problem. The girl is at a loss for words at this point and refers back to the ‘white elephants’ in her earlier exchange with the man specifically pointing out his earlier reaction to this remark, â€Å"But if I do it, then it will be nice again if I say things are like white elephants, and you’ll like it?† (Hemingway, 1950)   Now, if the previous interpretation of ‘white elephants’ being emptiness is applied to this statement, it becomes quite sarcastic as opposed to the tone at which it is said – the girl here is submitting to the man and implying that she will be empty with the abortion, but will the man like her in this state, anyway?    The man responds, â€Å"I’ll love it. I love it now but I just can’t think about it.† (Hemingway, 1950)   Slowly, from their exchanges, a brute nature emerges from the man, insensitive, and indifferent.   Their conversation then continues on to indicate that the girl will be having the abortion but not because she wants it, but because this would make her man happy, also implying that her own happiness is not a matter of concern, because she has put the man’s happiness before her own; this she conveyed with the lines, â€Å"Then I’ll do it. Because I don’t care about me.† (Hemingway, 1950)   Here we can see that a resolution is not met between the two characters, only a submission, which, by the way, is against the will of the lady. The author alludes to the lady’s desire of having the child when he put in a description of the scenery at the other side of the station – which, in this story, represents a ‘crux’ or a point of decision.   The station here is symbolic of a turning point in both of the lives of the characters, and so, the author, earlier, describes that the hills are dry and barren, while at the other side of the station, â€Å"were fields of grain and trees along the banks of the Ebro. Far away, beyond the river, were mountains.†Ã‚   (Hemingway, 1950) All these images represent fertility, life, and renewal, and at this point also, when the lady sees this particular scenery, she experiences a change of heart and realizes that she should at least take another chance at convincing the man that the abortion will leave her empty, which should be the main issue between the two of them, if the man was sensitive enough.   This realization is clear in their rapid exchange of lines, â€Å"†I said we could have everything./We can have everything./No, we can’t./We can have the whole world./No, we can’t./We can go everywhere./No, we can’t. It isn’t ours any more./It’s ours./No, it isn’t. And once they take it away, you never get it back.† (Hemingway, 1950) In this exchange, it is evident how totally unrelated the man’s arguments are in relation to the girl’s.   Here, they don’t really ‘meet’ each other in terms of what they are talking about.   This ‘not meeting of minds’ has another indirect symbol in the ‘railroad tracks’ which are parallel and never meet.   Notice the last statement of the girl in the above exchange; in this particular line, she is referring to the child in her womb, while earlier on in the conversation, the man is actually referring to the material and carnal pleasures that they had both been enjoying. The man says that they can have all these, but the lady disagrees.   In the end, there is no closure in their argument and Hemingway leaves the audience hanging as to whether the girl decides to have the abortion or not.   What is known, however, is that in the end, the girl indicates that she is all right (Hemingway, 1950); considering her previous arguments, then it can be assumed that she will not be going for the abortion. While the story is fairly simple in its presentation, it tackles a very deep philosophy known as existentialism, appropriately so because the writer lived in an era when this philosophy was in force.   Despite the girl’s seeming submission to the man’s will in this story, she actually exercises her individual existence and choice; two very basic concepts of existentialism. From the text, it is evident how the lady struggles to assert her own individual set of beliefs, and how she, although in a very subtle way, dismisses the man’s arguments in favor of her own set of beliefs and her freedom to choose.   So, while we can easily say that for a superficial reader, the story is just an exchange of conversation between two people regarding an abortion, the symbols and the clever use of language comes into play to coax the reader to digest the story and interpret it a different level; at which level, the references to existentialism become clear. In closing, the story is indeed a hotbed of symbolism and a classic example of literary control.   It does not spoon-feed the audience nor takes all the thinking away from the reader.   It very discreetly, but very accurately infers various meanings into the text by way of   allegory, and profoundly presents the idea of existentialism simply by playing around with the conversation of two people, the introduction of a sensitive matter, and finally, the unspoken assertion of the lady of her individual nature and her own freedom. References Hemingway, E. (1950). Hills like White Elephants. Retrieved March 25, 2009, from

Black men and public places Essay

In the short story Black Men and Public Spaces by Brent Staples, the writer goes through a struggle of being viewed as other â€Å"Black men† in society such as perpetrators of violence. Although he felt enraged as he stated on pg.316, â€Å"Over the years, I learned to smother the rage I felt at so often being taken for a criminal†. He begins to understand why people, mainly woman fear him so much. This is because as he states â€Å"I understand of course that the danger they perceive is not a hallucination. Women are particularly vulnerable to street violence, and young black males are drastically overrepresented among the perpetrators of that violence†. Since the writer understands why people fear him, he tries to change himself so people’s opinion and perception of black men also change. At this point I strongly disagree with the writer, because I believe you are who you are and you should not change anything about yourself to be accepted in society. In some ways I can connect with the writer in his struggle, because as a Muslim in the 21st Century some Americans view Muslims as terrorist due to ignorance, stereotype, and because of the tragedy that extremist of the religion caused which made the twin towers collapse and ended with thousands of civilians losing their lives. Although people who look the same, come from the same culture or religion doesn’t mean that they are the same nor act the same. The short story Black Men and Public Places begins with him walking behind a woman on a seemingly scary street. But because he was a black male, tall, and had his hands shoved in his pocket it made him look suspicious. The stereotypical perception of black men caused the women to speed up, and eventually start running. In this case this black male was innocent and meant no harm, but because of the way society view black men it caused her to be fearful of him. One day as I was walking from a long day of being in Islamic school I had on hijab (head scarf) and a long robe. A man yelled â€Å"TERRORIST where is your bomb?!† I immediately thought how can people be so shallow to think just because I had on a hijab I was automatically sought to be a terrorist. But it all goes back to the stereotypes that society puts on a certain race or culture due to what a few people in those in those  categories do. Although the writer feels enraged deep inside, he understands why people view him as a threat, and its because of the many black men involved in crime. So he begins to change himself to make him look less scary, and less of a suspect. He says on Pg.316 â€Å"I whistle melodies from Beethoven and Vivaldi and more classical composers. Even steely New Yorkers hunching toward night time destinations seem to relax, and occasionally they even join in tune. Virtually everybody seems to sense that a mugger wouldn’t be warbling bright, sunny selections from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons†. My question to the writer is why should anyone act any different from normal due to societies opinion?. Although it may feel more comfortable there should be no reason to alter what you do in your everyday life to satisfy the people around you. To sum things up, the writer Black Men and Public Places though changing what you do in your everyday life can help satisfy society solely to be accepted by people. I have been in a situation in which I was judged and stereotyped about being what I am, but I never once thought in what way can I alter myself so that society may appreciate me, and treat me as an equal.

Monday, July 29, 2019

POSNER TERMS 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

POSNER TERMS 2 - Essay Example For example, such teachings reduce the element of disruptive behaviors in students. Moreover, societal goals also help in creating a peaceful environment in schools by teaching students the way to become a productive part of society. My personal experience of studying social elements in curriculum has had a very dynamic influence on my overall personality. For example, they helped me live in society in a constructive manner. Similarly, they helped me learn the norms and values of living in a society. 2. Administrative Goal Administrative goals refer to the concept of maintaining and improving the administrative approach of organizations. These goals include compensation and management of teachers, implementation of employee safety programs, scheduling of buses, maintenance of buildings, ensuring maximum student and teacher attendance, and all such matters. The role of administrative goals in education is also very positive as they make students aware of the importance of managing thi ngs properly. Of course, students have to become administrators and leaders at homes and at work at some time in future, so they should have some knowledge regarding management of tasks in an effective manner. My personal experience regarding study of administrative goals in education is also very good. ... talk about the cognitive domain with regard to Bloom’s Taxonomy, we can say that it is an important element of success for a student because it directly deals with the writing objectives. It helps students gain knowledge and apply it in different circumstances of life. It also helps students in analyzing things from different perspectives, as well as in evaluating decisions based on surrounding elements. The role of bloom’s taxonomy in education is very influential as it promotes the process of thinking in education which is a key part of writing objectives. It focuses on evaluating and analyzing things, rather than just keeping the facts in mind. My personal experience regarding applicability of bloom’s taxonomy to writing objectives is very positive. For example, I learned the way to put my thoughts on paper after complete analysis and evaluation of thoughts. 4. Cognitive Domain Cognitive domain reflects the intellectual abilities of a person. They deal with th inking, remembering, and putting practice the learned concepts based on personal judgment and knowledge. This domain includes recognition of facts, understanding of procedural patterns, and development of intellectual skills. The role of cognitive domain in education is very influential because it deals learning and applying which arte two of the most critical elements of education. This domain improves the ability of students to learn, recall, and rationalize things. My personal experience is that cognitive domain helps in achieving success in educational, as well as in personal life. This domain helps me in reasoning and justifying the value of ideas based on surrounding circumstances. Similarly, this domain also helps me in troubleshooting, as well as in recognizing realistic facts in reasoning.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analysis of Canoe Restaurant in Pasadena Assignment

Analysis of Canoe Restaurant in Pasadena - Assignment Example As a prerequisite for sale contacts, completion of the Canoe restaurant was necessitated and  paramount. The Los Angeles restaurant grading ordinance got formulated to monitor, evaluate and recommend restaurants  particularly  on their food handling methods,  preparation  and storage regulations (Hutter 15). The grading ordinances  have  enabled customers, and authorities to achieve peace of mind in terms of food quality and health (Hutter 20). After inspection of the  Caneo  restaurant, I  wish  to  give  the  inspection  report as follows: First, the restaurant assistants were reluctant to  observe  some basic food handling  procedure; Failure to clean and  sanitize  the  instruments  used for chopping foodstuff. The kitchens chopping instrument gets used on different kinds of food, for example, beef and chicken. This increases the risks of food contamination for both customers and the workers. Secondly, the  chef, his  assistant and the entire kitchen staff  had  a set  of  complete  protective wear although none of them had  hair  nets. This increases the  possibility  of foreign material such as hair strands to  drop  in the food and  thus contaminate  it. The refrigerator  content  is not labeled clearly. This makes it confusing for the chefs to  pick  the  right  ingredients for the preparation of menus. Some of the kitchen units do not contain thermometers for measuring the  exact  temperature of food to prevent them from contamination. There is also laxity in food handling; foods  do not get wrapped  but instead get left to open air. This too increases the  possibility  of contamination. Finally, lack of maintaining the required kitchen temperature from the required optimum temperature hinders proper food storage. However, Canoe restaurant demonstrated positive results in kitchen practising habits. First, there is a high  level  of cleanliness maintained in terms of personal hygiene, equipment, clothing and the kitchen surroundings. An excellent grading result depends on  the perfection  of the restaurants’ staffs’. The  chef gets tasked with the ability  and skills to ensure  per fect  food handling, storage and preparation (Hutter 26).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Mix for U.S.A car market Chery Cars China Essay

Marketing Mix for U.S.A car market Chery Cars China - Essay Example Strategic Planning: A strategy outlines the game plan of an organisation for its success. An effective marketing plan requires sound strategic planning at many levels in an organisation. At the top level and mid level planners deal with the strategic decisions which focus on long term development of the product (Kapferer, 2008, p. 182). Research and Analysis: Strategic planning is dependent on availability and interpretation of information and hence it is considered to be the lifeblood of an organisation. Thus it is important for marketing planners to have right information for making right product. Thus marketers regularly conduct and analyze the opinions, needs and attitudes of their customers. In addition to it, there is internal analysis and external analysis for getting useful information for the company (Chery, 2014, p. 1). Developing Competitive Advantage: Competitive advantage is important to set the tone or strategic focus of the entire marketing program. With this the firm can offer customers a compelling reason for them to purchase their product. Without competitive advantage, the company and its products are just like any other company offer commoditized products (Jobber, 2012, p. 172). Product: Product is developed to meet the needs and demands of the consumers. It must be developed at the right level of quality to meet the present and future needs. Thus the perfect product must create value for the consumer and it is not necessary for a product to be tangible. Price: The price of a product is actually the perceived price of the product in the eyes of the customers. A company must make the price competitive, not necessarily the cheapest. A company can compete with large companies by offering better value to the customers for their money (Henry, 2008, p. 112). Place: The place indicates the location where customers buy their products. It is crucial for a company to make the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Assess and discuss Hospital Equipment Libraries giving consideration Essay

Assess and discuss Hospital Equipment Libraries giving consideration to current Medical Equipment Management guidance and policy - Essay Example These equipment assist and impact on the ability of the health organizations in effectively treating, monitoring and supporting patients care and in the general management of their respective medical conditions. It further allows proper management of healthcare in facilities and community settings by facilitating self-care for patients in difference circumstances. The hospital library operations functions are in tandem to the current medical equipment management guidance and policy. Medical equipment libraries are managed by clinical engineering team who ensure that all equipment are available for loaning any time of the day. They therefore, ensure provision of quality healthcare services by providing this equipment to the patients and staffs that need them in their service provision (MHRA 2013). To ensure that equipment are safeguarded in the libraries, medical management guidance and policies are important. The world health organization is one of the bodies that recognize the important of health organization having in place appropriate policies that can better address issues pertaining to equipment in the hospital libraries. These policies and guidance help to foster good governance in health organization which later impacts positively on the delivery of health services. Technology is advancing at a fast pace and many medical facilities are embracing these technologies. The technology has enabled positive performance of services but led to increase in prices (Device Bulletin DB2006 (05), 2006). Accessing medical care among many people earning low salary is out of their rich. The medical equipment management policy need to factor such issues in their plans to ensure that they provide good health care service to all people that requires good health. Policy guides management on various stages of equipment life cycle, including acquisition, utilization, maintenance as well as disposal. Therefore,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Hands of Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Hands of Poverty - Essay Example While it is true that the economy has improved the lives of many people, poverty still exists. Many networks attempts to provide the basic needs of the poor – clothing, food, shelter – but the number of people who needs assistance is still higher compared to those who are being serviced. This paper critically analyzes the essay written by Jane Addams entitled â€Å"The Hands of Poverty†. Written in 1910, during the height of industrialization, the essay provides valuable insights on the lamentable situation of many citizens of East London. In this essay, Addams talks about her first experience in East London when she became eyewitness to the poverty afflicting Londoners. Here, she describes how everyone had to fend for themselves: how the â€Å"submerged tenth† (Addams 258) were forced to eat decaying fruits and vegetables while auctioneers had to endure the suffering of their countrymen in order to bring food to their own tables. Addams is making a point about how poverty serves to diminish humanity, because it makes people act more like animals than men. Addams’ essay had a referential purpose. Written objectively, Addams talks about the two faces of East London, one which is seen by tourists like herself, and the other one which is experienced by the city’s residents. ... The secondary purpose for this essay was expressive. The writer hoped to show how much the scene has affected her. Perhaps, it was also a way for her to explain why she did what she did in later life. Addams went on to become a social activist (Knight) and has often referred back to this experience in her other works (Bettis). Addams went on to describe her experience in the city and how it created an impact on her life. Her use of first person pronouns made the essay more personal. This essay was also used an evaluation pattern. She related her own judgement of the scene she wrote about. Though she did not explicitly say that she â€Å"hated† what she saw, she used words like â€Å"wretchedness of East London† to depict her disdain at the scene unfolding before her. This pattern combined with the secondary pattern described below gave information to the reader, and at the same time allowed the reader to experience the same emotions and convictions as the writer. Moreov er, the essay also had descriptive pattern because of her choices for words she used the word â€Å"clamoring† to describe how these bidders were shouting just to get their hands on a cheap piece of vegetable or fruit which is the only thing they could purchase with the money they had. To show how hungry these people were she described a winner of a bid who â€Å"tore [the cabbage] with his teeth, and hastily devoured it, unwashed and uncooked† (Addams 257). Addams used strong words to describe the scene, and in effect, she transported the reader to the same instant that she witnessed, giving the reader the same feeling of contempt for the prevailing system of poverty and hunger. In the latter part of

Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Case Study - Assignment Example Capital budgeting decisions fundamentally places strong emphasis on time value of money. In this regard, net present value method is very effective as it takes in consideration discounting of the inflow. The NPV of project Alpha was determined to be  £36,700 while that of project Beta was determined to be  £29,340. Both NPVs are positive but project Alpha has higher NPV, hence the firm should accept project Alpha. Accounting rate of return has been measured by establishing proportionate relationship between average accounting income and average investment for a specific period. The ARR of project Alpha was determined to be 29.39% while that of project Beta was determined to be 1.62%. The reason for low ARR in project Beta is significant investment in new purchases in the third year. Based on ARR, project alpha should be accepted. Additionally, payback period is least for project Alpha and based on the argument that a project with quicker returns should be accepted, project Alpha is better investment that Project Beta. Nonetheless, the overall assessment favours project Alpha over project Beta. Therefore, Project Alpha is a better investment (Froot and Stein, 1998). Capital budgeting decisions can be evaluated using discounted and non-discounted techniques: the discounted techniques comprise NPV and IRR method while non-discounted techniques include ARR and Payback period. NPV is referred to the difference between initial investment in a project and the discounted future net cash flows from the project. The NPV of a project ranges among positive, negative or breakeven (equivalent to zero). The first criterion for accepting a project is positive NPV as negative NPV indicates unfeasible project while zero indicates breakeven. The second criterion for accepting or rejecting a project is that an investment with highest NPV will be accepted. Discounting cash flows using a discounting factor, which

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Living Inside and Outside Prison Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Living Inside and Outside Prison - Assignment Example Although there are certain preconceived notions about prisoners and their way of life within the system, the existence of police shows and their realistic prison life story lines have helped me understand what prison life may actually be like and has provided me with a wider perception of who these prisoners are and what it takes to survive on the inside. Our class readings helped to further reinforce that which I already knew and added to my knowledge of the real life situation these prisoners experience. Survival in a normal society is set upon societal rules drawing from our Bill of Rights. It allows us immense freedom within which to understand others, live our lives, and choose whom we shall mingle with socially and why. These rules do not exist in prison. I believe this is because of a difference in perception. While free people view leaders like the police and other government officials as friends who help keep order and peace within our communities, prison guards and administrative staff are viewed by prisoners as enemies who are out to make their life harder through punishments and deprivation of what little liberties the prisoners enjoy. And it is because of that very reason that inmates and prison staff are not allowed to form friendships. Since the staff are viewed as the enemies, their lives are in danger each time that they mingle with the prisoners. Prisoners see them as the conveyors of punishment and mistrust. They cannot be trusted by the prisoners because they function by rules which are meant to deprive prisoners of their humanity and individualism. At least that is how I believe the prisoners collectively view the prison

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Development of Marine And Wildlife Tourism In Scotland Essay

The Development of Marine And Wildlife Tourism In Scotland - Essay Example For example, the David Fleay Wildlife Park on the Gold Coast breeds rare and endangered animals (Moscardo et al, 2001), which means that the native species are being cared for and tourists are being offered the opportunity to see something unique. Scotland can definitely learn from this in future development by emphasizing the fact that the Moray Firth and other Scottish marine areas are the best places to see dolphins and whales in the UK (Wilson et al, 1997). Offering something which is unique to the customer will enhance the profits of the area and ensure that visitors keep coming back. The Australian organisation Wildlife Tourism Australia is also an important reference point for many countries wishing to expand on their marine and wildlife tourism sectors. This organisation acts as an important mediator between tourism and conservation of the area. It also encourages donations to wildlife parks that may make conservation efforts easier (Moscardo et al, 2001). This may be particu larly useful in future development; using some of the money made from wildlife and marine tourism to promote the conservation of the local environment. This direction would help ameliorate some of the problems that come from expanding the tourism industry in such important conservation areas. It would also be a selling point to the consumer who wants to make sure that they give back to the environment. Then evaluate the social, economic and environmental value of marine and wildlife tourism that can be gained by Scotland from the development of this specialist tourism. Marine and wildlife tourism holds a spectacular amount of value for Scotland.... This paper stresses that perhaps the most important part of developing the wildlife and marine tourism of the area needs to be ensuring that the wildlife and marine environment is protected. This is to fall in line with some important UK environment laws, and to ensure that the area which is attracting these tourists remains in a state to continue to be an attraction for years to come. Development in the area, particularly around the coastline, needs to be kept to a sustainable level, although growth will be needed if plans are to make Scotland and Moray Firth into wildlife and marine tourist attractions. Additionally, this growth will need to fall in line with UK regulations. This report makes a conclusion that development for tourist provisions will need to be kept well away from these areas to ensure that full protection is given to the wildlife. A good idea for getting visitors involved in the natural environment without damage would be to offer conservation holidays, which would allow them to be part of the work going on in these areas. A good marketing point could be to emphasize the fact that the area has unique species within the UK, and tied into the dolphin and whale spotting mentioned previously. A final way of marketing the area would be to encourage visitors from Scotland and other parts of the UK. This would be good in the current economic climate as many people are choosing to take cheaper holidays. The author talks that co-operation with the society would mean that the preservation of the area in the way most appropriate for the natural environment could be attained whilst also developing it as a visitor attraction.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Academic Honesty Essay Example for Free

Academic Honesty Essay We can identify some forms of academic dishonesty as, copied exams, this implies to turn and see another students test, receiving or giving verbal and / or nonverbal, change the tests, hiding notes, or modification of quizzes. It can also occur in tasks, jobs and projects. It is possible to pass the task among students, falsify data, lack of contribution to a team, and hire someone to make their work. Other types can be present even with bribes or threats against the teacher. Through the plagiarism, the student gives the impression that you cannot learn or that do not want to learn. Also, you may not have a good relationship between student and teacher. The love of learning is the most effective strategy to combat academic dishonesty. Below are some reasons for plagiarism: Reduced interest in learning Plagiarism is easy to do Many students are more interested in the grade than in the learning process They are busy working or doing other things Non appreciation of the knowledge Why is Academic Dishonesty Happening? Society has communicated the concept that students need to acquire a degree for future employment, financial security, and personal reasons (Choi, 2009; Cohen ; Brawer, 2003; McCabe, Butterfield, ; Trevino, 2006). And students often believe they will receive higher salaries from future employers if they have exceptional grades throughout their college careers (Norton, Tilley, Newstead, ; Franklyn-Stokes, 2001). This is a reality that plenty of students are living. Plenty of them are lucky enough like me, to get the job they’ve always wanted before they earn a degree. â€Å"Indeed, plagiarism and cheating are reflections of the need to get good grades at all cost; and, they continue to be serious problems in academia† (Danielsen, Simon, ; Pavlick, 2006; Fontana, 2009; Lipka, 2009; McCabe, 2009; McCabe et al. , 2006; Rosamond, 2002; Wilkerson, 2009). This is causing that some –early professionals- just try their best to rush their way into a degree without paying any attention to their assignments. In the beginning it was like that for me because honestly, I felt I was not learning anything. My reality was that I learned â€Å"everything† in the field. But soon enough I realized that college is not necessarily the place to learn specific topics, is the place where you were how to manage your knowledge and put it in the best use. At the end of the day academic dishonesty is a behavior that makes students gain an unfair advantage and it need to be avoid. â€Å"The risk of plagiarism in academic settings can be reduced by not setting the same essay every year. Burnard (2002) reflected on the possibility of plagiarism extending beyond coursework essays to dissertations. He felt that written examinations may reduce the problem (Burnard 2002). Doing our job correctly will guaranty that we learn in the process and also that we will get the grade we worked for. In my case, I am writing this paper because due to wrong quotation, it was understood that used someone else information as mine. In order to avoid this in the future, students have to make sure to follow the guidelines when it comes to proper citation. It very important to have credit to whom deserves it, and that’s why double checking and practicing the properly citation its key in order to have a clean paper. Now, we have to be clear that any material that is consider as common knowledge does not have to be cited. Also, field-specific common knowledge does not need citation unless it contains facts from a specific source. As I mentioned, my case was because of wrong citing, but at the end of the day the consequences are the same as of a student stealing information an using it for an assignment. Professors take this very seriously because it is not fair to the students who spend hours working. This is superior work, wrote a professor on a students paper. It was excellent when Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote it, just as it is today. Saint Thomas gets an A. You get an F (Alschuler and Blimling 1995, p. 123). We must understand that dishonesty in the classroom is a serious issue, it is not just a cheating situation, it is considered for some professionals as a crime that deserves a penalty. Plagiarism can be done very easily, and it can even happen when proper citation has been done. Another way to avoid plagiarism, could be by paraphrasing and adding the name of the author; for example: â€Å"According to Carlos Santana, guitars became famous in † it is a way of giving credit and making your sentences flow in a better way. I will conclude this paper by saying that we all know what plagiarism is, by this I mean that every single student know what is good and bad and academic dishonest will end when we start being honest with ourselves, our instructors and why not, also our classmates. It is true that at time it can be difficult to complete certain assignments, but there is nothing that can’t be fixed with communication. Sending an email to out instructor or asking for help will make the learning experience better and will guide us away from plagiarizing a document. Reference: Choi, Cohen, and Brawer. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 3rd ed. Vol. 3. N. p. : n. p. , 2012. Print Burnard P. All your own work? Essays and the internet. Nurse Education Today. 22, 3, 187-188. (2002) Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. 11th ed. Springfield, Mass. Merriam-Webster, Inc. ; 2003:946.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Benefits And Drawbacks Of Social Media Marketing Essay

Benefits And Drawbacks Of Social Media Marketing Essay This case introduces Web 2.0 social media in virtual worlds, networking sites, and video sharing sites, and entices students to explore the opportunities and risks they are confronted for brands. The case allows students to fight with the strategic and tactical decisions that accompany marketing communications strategy and to merge information on consumer behaviour with an understanding of brand objectives, in order to assess and evaluate new social media options. Foley, brand manager, is facing a more and more complex media environment in which her conventional media plan which is focused on television, print, and radio advertising, has become less popular due largely to declining audiences and a surge in advertising clutter, plus consumers tuning out. She is exploring emerging Web 2.0 social media options to determine if they can better achieve her branding and advertising objectives. Her challenge is to curtail the entire buzz surrounding Web 2.0 and to analyze the social medias p ossible for her brand by delving into the consumer dire needs and behaviours support Web 2.0 technologies Case issue: I think UnMe Jeans is a suitable brand for social media and the Web 2.0. Their target market is women between 12-24 years old, and this segment is consuming less traditional media, and increasing their consumption in the Web 2.0. With new technologies and platforms they can regulate the ads or somehow avoid them and still enjoy their favourite TV shows or any type of entertainment. I think its evident Web 2.0 is the right path for UnMe Jeans, the question is how to do it. The benefits social media offer to UnME Jeans are: The social media attracts more people than traditional media so they can reach more possible users as customers. They can target their audience with more accuracy and in a more efficient way. The idea is to make the costumers part of the social media community, to get them involved and get a deeper engagement with the brand. The drawbacks social media offer to UnME Jeans are: Lack of control of the content: Foley, Brand Manager of UnME Jeans, is faced with a challenge as she reconsiders her advertising media plan due to the increase of social media options on the emerging Web 2.0. These options become even more intriguing with the steady price increases of television advertising despite the growth of several unfavourable conditions. Working with her advertising agency, Foley must effectively use her brand management skills to choose which social media channel, if any that she should incorporate into her current advertising media plan. The advertising agency suggested three viable options, Zwinktopia, Facebook, and YouTube. Zwinktopia is a virtual world targeted to girls ages 13 to 24 with a focus on fashion and music, Facebook is a social networking, profile page site, and YouTube is a user-generated video-sharing website. I suggest that Foley pursue the Zwinktopia social media channel as a starting point to take advantage of the emerging Web 2.0 and also make a minor investment in the other options to develop their web 2.0 presence. Key issue of unme jeans: Looking ahead Foley the brand manager of unme jeans realise that the trends were driving the radical change in media market that had potential to reduce the effectiveness of her current media plan. The consumer media habit were rapidly changing because the peoples are more attracted towards the internet Driven by the proliferation of new technology like the personal computer dvd players and ipods these all new electronic devices are main reasons of changing consumer behaviour Foley the brand manager of unme jeans was confuse in between advertise in television and advertise in internet which is better for marketing. Foley advertising agency had provided her with a plan to bring her plan to three social media outlet. Zwinktopia, facebook , youtube. She knew that she wanted to do less talking at and more talking with her consumer and she wanted to use media outlet where consumer is more receptive offer brand story and which would foster the most constrictive dialogue about her brand She also wanted to use programme that would seamlessly integrate with and support her exiting media plan. But most of all she wanted to social media programme to make on impact on her sell. Swot analysis: Strength: Unme jeans was one of the most successful junior denim brand available in market The unme brand story revolved around celebrating the individuality of teenage girls and encouraging teens to speak out against peer pressure and conformity Unme jeans are available in upscale department store and especially retailer across the united state and sold at a slight premium to comparable the brand Weakness: The changing of consumer media habit and proliferation of new technology like a personal computer dvd player and ipods consumer were tuning out traditional media like television magazines news paper and radio and tuning into new media options Opportunity: The opportunity for the unme jeans is web 2.0 applications are those that make the most intrinsic advantage of that platform Delivering software essay continually update service that get better and more people use it. The web 2.0 is also called consumer co-creation because that gave consumers the ability to direct contribute to the online conversation and contain that was available on the web. Three web 2.0 advertise opportunity mainly are Zwinktopia facebook and you tube Threats: Remember that new things always get better and to advertise brand web 2.0 the company need to invest more on advertising which is not possible for every company. Analysis of the case: Just like any business problem, Foley is faced with several issues in making her decision to change her advertising media plan. With a full knowledge of the issues, Foley can better analyze her options in the process of making a justified decision. Rapidly changing consumer trends There is a clear indication that consumers media habits have evolved due to the proliferation of new technology. There are more outlets available that resulted in the change of how their market consumes media. Much of these changes were geared towards online outlets, especially among the younger audience. In order to remain successful, the company must ensure they can quickly respond to the rapidly changing. Formulation and evaluation of alternative: Benefits and Drawbacks of social media: Youtube: Benefits: Promotes high involvement and participation Large demographic availability, it allows marketers to target the audience appropriate for their product Some forms of experiments have shown optimistic results have given marketers an option to choose layout and position of their ads. For eg: participatory video ads, in-video advertising . Proven successful when used as the right channel and not only an alternative for Television ads. Drawbacks: High cost of marketing and additional cost on developing competently made videos. Lack of control over the content Still in research and test stage and it may back fire if not blended well. For eg: pre-roll ads. Language and location restriction Zwinktopia: Benefits: Promotes the ideals UnME stands for i.e celebrate individuality, non-confirming attitude. A new way of expression. Have the right demographics for UnME i.e teenage girls, the website are focused on fashion and music. Marketers can promote relevant ads in the virtual world. Can be linked to other social media like facebook  and Myspace. Drawbacks: May not influence real world sales for the company. There are over 200,000 virtual products which increase competition and fight for market share that may not give return for the company. Facebook: Benefits: Highest demographic segment among the target audience. Also has the highest average time spent on the website and highest frequent return of the user to the page. Easy access to information on the users, hence the target market can be served with relevant ads based on their profile page. Acts like a discussion forum where users interact with the brand and discuss their interests. Videos can be promoted on the website as well. Drawbacks: Since users may view over 500 pages of content the recall value may drop significantly. Lack of measurement tools to measure success. High cluttering on the network may make the users indifferent to the ads. May lead to over advertising and hijack  the very purpose Recommendation: Besides the fact that there are more people today than any other website that visit Facebook, On Facebook it is all about the interactions and discussions that occur between its users. So seeing the attractiveness of the platform as mentioned above Facebook can be used for advertisements to reach a more targeted audience in fewer costs. Another great feature of Facebook is the fan page. This feature allows a company or a brand or a product to create a Facebook page solely dedicated to it. There, users are enabled and encouraged to share opinions, information, criticism, or whatever else. When these kinds of conversations happen, it creates an atmosphere for free discussion and a buzz about that fan page. All these aforementioned features are just some of the countless great tools available on Facebook for marketers such as Foley to promote their brand. Social media provide sales professionals with the opportunity to listen and influence through their participation. Not using Facebook would simply result in a significantly missed opportunity for Foley. In addition to that, her brand will look inferior to the other brands that seize the opportunity of social media. Overall, using Facebook provides more impacts in terms of reach, frequency, receptivity and presence. In addition, page views, unique visitors and the time spent on the site in Facebook is larger than others. Therefore I recommend Facebook rather than Zwinktopia and YouTube. Of course, if the budget allows, the company uses other media platforms and have to make synergy effect based on Web 2.0 concept. It requires additional efforts, but it must be a good approach. As mentioned before, I recommend that Facebook is the best choice among three suggested plans. One of the reasons is the openness of Facebook. With the development of the information technologies, Facebook has evolved. Currently Facebook is not only a simple social website, but a big platform. The company uploads and maintains various types of contents, people can access Facebook via many different ways, and the contents of Facebook can flow through the Web. Therefore, if the company has an appropriate plan, it is possible to make big synergy effects. Implementation Plan Implementation Component: Managing Change X Instructional Practices Curricula An Assessment System X Professional Learning Communications ResourcesPurpose: To create a brand valuegh of unme jeans and advertise using facebook as a social media. Action Steps What Will Be Done? Responsibilities Who Will Do It? Timeline By When? (Day/Month) Resources Resources Available Resources Needed (financial, human, political other) Potential Barriers What individuals or entities might resist? How do we address this resistance? Communications Plan Who is involved? What methods? How often? Step 1: To use facebook to create ads related to the product. Advertising Agency May 2013 A. Facebook B. Human resource Time Deploy more people to create and upload the ads Everyone Step 2: To create fan page on facebook because of that users are enabled and encouraged to share opinions, information, criticism, or whatever else. Advertising Agency June 2013 A. Page maker in facebook B. Human resourse- creative team The tool of making pages might be difficult to use. Training and developing creative team Everyone Step 3: Social should be use and not neglected Advertising Agency N.A A. Facebook B. You Tube C. Zwinktopia A. lack of tech savvy people. B. create awareness about social media platform. Everyone Step 4: Advertising Agency Begin in August and continue throughout 2012-2013 A. Current Textbooks B. Internet C. Parents D. Time E. Manipulatives F. Training A. Time All teachers Step 5: Implement ELA Shifts 2, 3, and 5 All Teachers Begin August 2013 A. Document Cameras for Smartboards B. 6-Trait Rubrics C. Training A.Time B. All Teachers Evidence Of Success (How will you know that you are making progress? What are your benchmarks?) Evaluation Process (How will you determine that your goal has been reached? What are your measures?)

Positivism and study of society

Positivism and study of society Positivism was named by Auguste Comte in 19th century, which was influenced by early empiricism of Enlightenment- with achieve the targets which include make objective knowledge and formulate the universal laws. The Rationalism also contributed positivism to improve the human conditions but not God (Smith, 2003, p76). Positivism has three development stages after it was mentioned- the early positivism, the logical positivism and standard positivism (Smith, 2003, p77). This essay will discuss the early positivism and logical positivism. As a branch of empiricism, the broader sense of positivism is the true knowledge which should be based on sense experiences, and only can be advanced by observation and experiment, avoided all metaphysical or speculation (Urmson, 1960). Another definition in this essay which should be introduced is the contributions of positivism. In this essay, contribution means the positivism how to create knowledge than before but not only focus on any positivistï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½s theory or the contributions in any specific subject. Positivism affected the studies of society since early 19th century to now although some people point out positivism is not fitting for the development of society nowadays (Smith, 2003, p76). In this essay, the contributions of positivism are how the positivism creates knowledge. The methodology of positivism was complete the theory of empiricism in Enlightenment. Based on positivism methodology, the closed system was implemented in study of society by Positivists. The critical evaluation of these contributions will be stated in every section. This essay will also state using modern sight to review the contributions of positivism. Early positivism contributed to create a framework of research method and the basic principles of positivism. After early positivism, ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Vienna Circleï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ developed the thoughts and created logical positivism. Positivists followed the same thought to find truth out no matter which stage of positivism. All of them had contributions in history. As mentioned above, positivism is a branch of empiricism. Comparing with empiricism in Enlightenment, the biggest contribution of positivism is complete the methodology on empiricism and lead the positivism nearly regard to scientific spirit today (Heidegren, 2006, p92). Through this methodology, new scientific methods will be completed and applied on social science. The ontology of positivism methodology is the world is external and objective, and the observers should be independent and be neutral in the researches (Smith, 2003). Under this situation, the epistemology of positivism is building hypothesises and then to find the relationships between limited facts in social phenomena, and formulate universal laws at last (Smith, 2003). Be ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½neutralï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ and ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½objectiveï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ were positivists insert in the positivism methodology and affect the whole society. Take an instance for the contribution of ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½neutralï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ and ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½objectiveï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ in positivism is the positivist approach in criminology. Before the positivism, criminal suspects could prove their own criminal behaviours and this lead some criminal suspects were suffering and had to admit the behaviours which were not existed. However, positivists thought this was not humanistic and criminal suspects should be avoid from evidences, that means the criminal suspects cannot prove their own criminal behaviours (Simon, 2006). However, the contribution of ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½neutralï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ and ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½objectiveï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ has been questioned. For example, legal positivism has begun to be questioned in recent years. Priel pointed out ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Legal positivism is the thesis that one does not need to rely on evaluative considerations in order to identify what the law isï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ in his essay (2006). He had the question about the validity and content of legal positivism (Priel, 2006). Based on the positivism methodology, early positivists completed the scientific methods. As a representative of philosophers in Enlightenment, Bacon created ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½science of methodï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½, there were three steps in the scientific method. First, making observations and repeat the observations, which were based on experiments. Secondly, classify the observations. Finally, formulating the observations to laws through inductive reasoning (Porter, 2007, p21-22). Comte and Durkheim inherited the scientific method and completed this scientific method to six steps, 1) make an observation, 2) suggest a question, 3) formulate a hypothesis and except outline, 4) testing the hypothesis through experiment method, 5) to analyse the data and 6) formulate a universal law (Cohen el al, 2007). Positivism completed the procedure of scientific method, inserted ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½hypothesisï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ and ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½experimentï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½. ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Hypothesisï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ in scientific method was the speculations of relationships between factors- the causes and effects (Cohen el al, 2007). The ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½experimentï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ means to make a test in a controlled artificial environment which had small number of variables, this system was named closed system and which will be discussed later (Smith, 2003). Hypothesis is not only the speculation of the research, but also the key of the research. Positivists mentioned this notion of hypothesis and lead the scientific method to become complete and more validity. Basically, the research is built on hypothesis, no matter in natural science or social science. For example, scientific method is applied in natural science such as biology, chemistry, physics, and other else. In social science, scientific method is also applied widely, such as economy, legal system, psychology and other subjects. Figure 1 is a good example to show the hypothesis has became one of the most important links in economic study. Applying the closed system in social science is another contribution of the early positivism, as the notion of ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½experimentï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ which is mentioned above. Before the positivism, people only applied scientific method in natural science. Comte and Durkheim believe the social science is similar as natural science and closed system can be applied and the truth and law in social science will be found. This thought provided a model for studying the social science and made people create more knowledge about the society. There are three closures in the closed system- experimental closure, theoretical closure, and statistical closure. Experimental closure is through the experiment methods in an artificial environment to get an empirical purpose (Smith, 2003). This kind of closure is usually applied in psychology and other similar subjects. Theoretical closure is usually building theory models to analyse the relationships between variables (Smith, 2003). Theoretical closure has been applied in economy widely. For example, economists anticipate the trend of national economy through the theory models. The last closure is statistical closure which means finding relationships between different variables through quantitative measurable data sets (Smith, 2003). This closure is used in economy, psychology, political science and other subjects widely. For example, customer satisfaction investigation, examination of electoral results and so on. Early positivists let people study and understand society better through applied scientific method and closed system in study of social science and tried to obtain definite objective knowledge. However, some disadvantages are existed when positivists applying scientific method and closed system in study of social science. There are too many other unpredictable variables exist outside of the boundary of closed system which can affect the results (Smith, 2003). In addition, some social variables cannot be measurable such as beliefs and scientific method maybe not suitable for this situation (Bryman Bell, 2007). Logical positivism is a development of early positivism and appeared in early 1920s (Smith, 2003). A group of philosophers who had informal discussions at the University of Vienna and they were named ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Vienna Circleï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ (Smith, 2003). The logical positivism was promoted by ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Vienna Circleï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½, the centre of the logical positivism was still avoid any kind of metaphysics and speculative attempts (Smith, 2003). According to Ganguly (1967), logical positivism is a kind of the empiricism which with a premise that the objects can be verifiable empirically and meaningful. Comparing with early positivism, logical positivism has ambition to all knowledge which cannot be verified (Smith, 2003). One of the contributions of logical positivism is the meaning of the theory should be communicable. Logical positivists proposed achieve this target through synthetic and analytic statement (Ganguly, 1967). Ayer was a famous positivist who contributed much in logical positivism, and he pointed out that the language which was used in science should simple, clear and free from mystification (Ganguly, 1967). Smith pointed out that this proposal ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½led many to refer to this new approach as the ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½linguistic turnï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ in the philosophy of the social sciences.ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ (2003) Another contribution of logical positivism is logical positivists provide verifiability principle. Combining with induction in logical positivism, logical positivists believed the real value-free could be achieved (Ganguly, 1967). Before the logical positivism, researches were based on designersï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ purposes, therefore, the researches would be disturbed by designersï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ opinions although they tried to avoid that. For example, in some marketing satisfaction investigations, the questionnaire will bring researchers subjective and leading the answers. Some theories such as physics theories which cannot be experiment directly should be proved by logic methods. Logical positivists tried to make absolute objective topic and find the real objective truth. Their strict method and serious scientific spirit lead people to treat natural and social sciences carefully, and the real truth can be found without any subjective. However, some experts pointed out there are problems on logical positivism. First, the language requirement of logical positivism makes people confuse about the truth. Indeed, it is hard to translate the language because this doctrine defined the language so exactly (Ritchie, 2009). Secondly, the logical positivists mentioned the knowledge should be verifiable and logical, however, some theories is hard to be proved but people cannot say that is metaphysics (Ritchie, 2009). Positivism contributed so much in history and still influencing the philosophies and study of natural and social sciences today. Positivists provided useful framework in its period and helped people to collect knowledge. Positivism is an ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½extremeï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ philosophy which oppose to interpretivism, however, it is the time to combine them together to develop new framework for study of society (Ricciardi, 2009). As mentioned above, some weaknesses are existed when positivists applied scientific method and closed system in social sciences and obtained the knowledge, such as some hide variables are ignored by closed system when studying social sciences. Under this situation, the validity of the research will be questioned and it is not follow the principles of positivism. Therefore, new framework or new philosophy should be created to solve this problem and replace the positivism. To sum up, positivism was mentioned in early 19th century, Comte and Durkhaim were the founders of the positivism. The purpose of positivism is finding the absolute objective true knowledge, different stage of positivism followed this thought and tried best to avoid metaphysics and subjective. Early positivists who were influenced by empiricism in Enlightenment and completed the positivism methodology, new completed scientific method was created based on this situation. Early positivists developed the closed system and enhance the development of sciences as well. Furthermore, early positivists applied scientific method and closed system in study of society, this helped people to understand the world better in that period, although some disadvantages were exist, such as some variables in society were ignored. Vienna Circle developed the thoughts and methods in early positivism and created logical positivism. They applied more strict principles to find the objective truth. The most imp ortant contributions of logical positivism were using exactly accurate language to describe the theories and verifiable principle. These lead the sciences to be objective and more accurate. However, the weaknesses are still in logical positivism, for example, using exactly language will bring the barriers in communication in different languages. As the development of philosophy and sciences, positivism emerge more and more weakness and will be replaced by other new philosophies. Positivism has depth influence in history and the contributions cannot be eliminated. Bibliography Bryman, A. Bell, E. (2007) Business research methods, published by Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2nd Ed, 2007 Cohen, L., Manion, L. Morrison, K. (2007) The Scientific Method, Research methods in education, published by Routledge, New York, in 2007 Ganguly, S. (1967) Logical positivism- as a theory of meaning, published by Allied Publishers Private Limited, India, in 1967 Heidegren, CG (2006) Positivism before Logical Positivism in Nordic Philosophy, The Vienna Circle in the Nordic Countries, published by Springer, published in 2006 Porter, D. (2007) Baconï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½s Method and Coleridgeï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½s Empiricism, Knowledge broken: Empiricist method and the forms of Romanticism, Presented to the Faculties of the University of Pennsylvania in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, published in 2007 Priel, D. (2006) TROUBLE FOR LEGAL POSITIVISM?, Legal Theory, Published by Cambridge University Press, published in 12/2006, p225-263 Ricciardi, F. (2009) Epistemology of Information Systems: Time for Something New? Positivism, Interpretivism, and Beyond, Information Systems: People, Organizations, Institutions, and Technologies, published on 03/10/2009 Ritchie, A. (2009) Errors of Logical Positivism, Philosophy, Vol: 12 Issue: 45, published in 02/2009 Simon, J (2006) Positively Punitive: How the Inventor of Scientific Criminology Who Died at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Continues to Haunt American Crime Control at the Beginning of the Twenty-First, Texas Law Review, Vol: 84, Issue: 7, published in 06/2006, [accessed on 09/03/2010] Smith, M. (2003) Social science in question, edited, designed, and typeset by The Open University, published in 1998, reprinted 2002 and 2003 Urmson, O. (1960) The concise encyclopedia of western philosophy and philosophers, Urmson, O. edited, publisher: HUTCHINSON CO. London

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Conflict and Tension Between The Proctors in The Crucible Essay

How Does Millar Create a Sense of Tension and Conflict Between John and Elizabeth Proctor at the Beginning of Act 2? Arthur Miller was borne on the 17th of October 1915 in New York City. Miller believed that tragedy was not confined to the rich and important but that the ordinary man’s failure was just as moving and terrible. The play ‘The Crucible’ was first produced in 1953 in the middle of the McCarthy political witch hunt in America. Millar decided to write the play as an allegorical text and a parallel between the two events. The activities of the committee began to be linked in Miller’s mind with witchcraft trials which had taken place in the town of Salem 2 centuries before, for example, the committee often had in its possessions lists of people at various meetings, and yet it still wanted the witnesses to name names. Miller saw these public confessions as parallels wth the naming of names in 1962. Since 1938 an organization called the Un-American Activities Committee had been in existence in America. This had the power to investigate any movement or person who apparently posed a threat to the safety of the state. Under the chairmanship of Senator Joseph McCarthy the committee became almost paranoid in the searching out of the communist sympathisers amongst the American people in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s. There are a lot of ways in which Arthur Miller develops John Proctor's character during the play. Miller uses The Crucible to express his own views on what was happening in America at the time when McCarthyism was at a prominence. He uses John Proctor as he is interested in the person who doesn't allow himself to be caught up in hysteria but thinks for himself and stands up for his values agai... ...n the play. In conclusion I think that the stage directions and dramatic irony are significant to the play, and without them there would be no need for a lot of the events that happen in the play. I believe that Abigail is a key figure in the play, and the cause of many of the conflict and tension throughout the play. Without her yearning, and need and willingness to do anything for John Proctors love, and her lies and allegations there would be no need for a lot of the play. Without Abigail there would not have been any level of affair and there would be no tension or love loss between John and Elizabeth Proctor. Concerning the Proctors, in my opinion they always did and always would have loved one another, and if it where not for Elizabeth’s honesty, John may have lived and the two of them may have gone on loving one another for the rest of their days.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Differences that Divide Essay -- Literary Analysis

Throughout most of human history, humans have had a tendency to judge people on the basis of clearly defined qualities, in an attempt to characterize and classify society into more easily understood â€Å"black and white† groups. In Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, the characters, representative of the surrounding cultures portrayed, frequently participate in acts of inclusion and exclusion on the basis of ethnicity, religion, and lifestyle as a means of dividing the population into clearly defined, mutually exclusive groups. This underlying expression of discrimination serves as a modern critical analysis against society’s prevalent tenets of inequality. The first form of discrimination, most significant to the character Hassan, is done on the basis of ethnicity. As Edward Hower comments in â€Å"The Servant†, The Kite Runner’s depiction of Afghanistan is frighteningly â€Å"tense with the friction between the nation's different ethnic groups.† Representative of this prevalent Afghan culture, Assef believes in the superiority of the Pashtun people and thus the inferiority of the Hazara people, saying â€Å"Afghanistan is the land of the Pashtuns... We are the true Afghans, the pure Afghans, not this Flat-Nose [Hassan] here†. With these statements Assef self-justifies the distinctly different and unequal actions he displays towards people of different ethnicities. Through Assef’s carefree rationalization of segregation and reason for conflict, Assef serves as a criticism by the author about modern society and how attitudes such as Assef’s can prove harmful to even genuinely good-natured people . To represent such victimized people, Hassan starkly contrasts any form of negativity and fulfills a sacrificial role for Amir’s sake, clearly noted by Asse... analysis of modern society's tendencies. The author requests that rather than operate in conflict, cultures, even those that contrast each other, should act together as a continuous entity, rather than be splintered by differences that divide. Works Cited Bartley, Jim. "Kite Catches and Flies High." Globe & Mail [Toronto] 28 June 2003: D3. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 254. Detroit: Gale, 2008. N. pag. Literature Resource Center. Web. 30 Mar. 2010. Denby, David. "Hard Life." Rev. of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. New Yorker 17 Dec. 2007: 106. Literature Resource Center. Web. 30 Mar. 2010. Hower, Edward. "The Servant." Rev. of The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. New York Times Book Review 3 Aug. 2003: n. pag. Literature Resource Center. Web. 29 Mar. 2010. Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. New York: Penguin Group, 2003. Print.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Impact of the Tuberculosis Vaccine Essay -- Biology Medical Biomed

The Impact of the Tuberculosis Vaccine Abstract Tuberculosis is one of the most infectious diseases in the world. With almost one third of the world infected with this virus, people are striving to help prevent the spread of this disease (NIAID, 2001). One prevention technique for tuberculosis is the BCG (Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin) vaccine. In the early twentieth century Calmette and Guerin worked together to isolate a strain of the disease creating the first BCG vaccine. Throughout the century the scientists improved the BCG vaccine and today there are several different strains of the vaccine available. However, even today its full effects on the disease are unknown. The exploration of the effects of the vaccine, the best administration techniques, and who should be vaccinated continues. Throughout the Twentieth Century, Tuberculosis has impacted people around the world. While some countries see the impacts of tuberculosis less than others, the threat of this infectious disease looms across the horizon. Today, this organism affects one third of the population and is one of the most threatening of infectious diseases (NIAID, 2001). The BCG vaccine (Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin), is administrated in many high risk countries to combat the disease. Although scientists have improved the vaccine throughout the nineteenth century and the vaccine helps to combat some tuberculosis, its prevention is still far from perfect. The BCG vaccine is formed from a live strain of Mycobacterium bovis (WHO, 2005). The Mycobacterium bovis strain is taken from cows. It is a relative of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, which affects humans; however, Mycobacterium bovis affects cows and humans alike. Isolating a strain of this living organism... ...h. 7/25/2005: 2. Fine, P. and Carneiro I. et al. (1999, November). Issues relating the use of BCG in immunization programmes. World Health Organization. 7/19/2005: 3. Ginsberg A. (2001, January). Tuberculosis Vaccine. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. 7/19/2005: 4. Keep Kids Healthy. (2001, April). Tuberculosis in Children. Keep Kids Healthy. 7/21/2005: 5. WHO. (2005). BCG-the current vaccine for tuberculosis. World Health Organization. 7/25/2005: 6. Yancey, D. 2001. Tuberculosis. Brookfield: Twenty-First Century Books.

Is John Stewart Mill a racist Essay

Is John Stewart Mill a racist? That is a very strong charge against someone that promotes the sovereignty of the individual over that of the race/community/state. Many critics run the gamut on this issue. Some believe that he is because the list of those entitled to personal autonomy excludes those that live in â€Å"backward societies. † Other critics argue that he is not because he acknowledges the achievements of other civilizations and trace any social defects to improper governance or depressed circumstances rather than physical characteristics, and he acknowledges the dark ages of Europe. Others read his work and pronounce him a British Nationalist (Varouxakis, p. 5-6). If he were racist, it would prove to be more symbolic than overt. Symbolic racism manifests in indirect ways; in the United States, many whites are not directly racist toward blacks, however, they are strongly opposed to affirmative action and busing black children to better schools (McConahay & Hough). On another level, whites are very reluctant to give away any of their power to other racial groups and offering more opportunities to minorities diminishes that power, and they know this on at least a subconscious level. Either way, he is acknowledged by many to be one of the most important figures of modern liberal thought. On Liberty was also one of the most famous books exploring the subject—mainly advocating the moral and economic emancipation of the individual from the state. The free and liberal state has only one rule: that each individual can do as he pleases as long as his actions do not harm others. However, if someone makes a conscious decision to harm himself only, it is not the role of society to stop him because it would interfere with his autonomy. For example, many people wanting the government to legalize drugs will use this argument, â€Å"Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign† (Mill). However, many critics believe that these rights do not extend beyond the realm of Europe and the West, looking to interventionist actions taken by the US and the UK in the past decade, â€Å"The right to non-intervention, like the right to individual liberty, only belonged to those capable of using it, that is, to those ‘mature’ enough to think and judge for themselves and to develop unaided†(Parekh, p. 88). This paper seeks to assess how nineteenth-century liberalism furthered the imperial ambitions of European countries, its inherent disdain for other ways of life, and review some of the erroneous assumptions that led to the exploitation of colonial subjects. We will also examine some of its better premises and how they will apply in certain societies, and will try to definitively answer the question of his racism. In Mill’s time, Great Britain possessed one of the largest empires in the world. The crown had granted independence to small colonies like Ceylon during his lifetime. However, when the subject of independence for India was raised in parliament, Mills argued strongly against it (Parekh, p. 90). Perhaps he felt that they were not ready for independence because in his opinion, they were â€Å"backward. † If rumors of his nationalism have merit, then he might have feared that his country was losing power around the world. The idea of relinquishing rule might have been based on the assumption that other nations will grow to supplant Britain as the main superpower on earth. Also, if other nations with more backward beliefs were to possess resources that would make them wealthier and powerful than the civilized nations â€Å"The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection†(Mill). If this is taken in terms of global relations, allowing others to wield power would be seen as a direct threat to Britain’s position, and abdicating their holdings would be tantamount to putting themselves in the inferior position. In his own social context, Mill believed in the freedom to pursue activities, even immoral ones, provided that its pursuit does not harm anyone. The most obvious example of this is taking drugs. In Mill’s paradigm, a person smoking marijuana should not be punished for this action. Instead, society should only punish him if his actions under the influence lead to the injury or death of another person. On the grey areas of morality, scholars often dispute what it means to cause harm. For example, post-colonial theorist Bhiku Parekh argues that liberalism takes an intolerant, missionary, dogmatic slant to life. As a critic of J. S. Mill, Parekh picks apart liberalism in great detail, particularly the liberal’s paternalism or outright scorn toward non-liberal communities that do not value materialism or ambition He argues that liberals believe that their path is the only legitimate one and that non-liberal societies do not have the right to decide the course of their existence, or even the right to decide to exist at all independent of the dictates of a â€Å"superior civilization. â€Å"In order to justify the inherently unequal and exploitative colonial rule, liberals needed to show that the British had something to give to their colonies that the latter badly needed, were unable to acquire unaided, and which was so precious as to compensate for whatever economic and political price they were required to pay†(Parekh, p. 86). In the case of the British colonies, they brought civilization. India was considered civilized but stagnant, and needed British rule to move forward (Parekh, p. 88). The political actions on part of the British imply that there is only a small list of ideological, philosophical, and religious beliefs that can be considered civilized. In fact, according to Parekh, Mill resisted every parliamentary effort to grant India some measure of independence because he did not believe the nation was ready to stand on its own. Perhaps, Mill believed that the Indians would unintentionally harm themselves or others without interference, because that was his only justification for intervention. That is the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will†(Mill). Though India was recognized as civilized by the West, it was a civilization in its infancy, not yet ready for self-determination. Most of the â€Å"East† did not embrace capitalism and laissez-faire governments. The primary emphasis of each citizen was the community and the family rather than the individual. However, the European vision was spread throughout the world via colonialism. Had the Chinese or Indians taken over every continent on earth, the prevailing global norms would be quite different, and a new standard of values would be spread. In fact, Parekh raises the point that if one was to critique the West using non-liberal philosophical systems, it might be found lacking. â€Å"If we took the Indian, the Chinese or the Islamic views of man as our standard, it is the self-centric and even self-obsessed liberal societies that would appear inferior†(Parekh, p. 99). In the United States and Western Europe, there is a sharp separation between church and state, and strong social pressure to have the biggest, newest, and best products on the market. Other cultures value achievement much as well, but consumerism very little. Economic freedom in the West is greater than in China or India. â€Å"The tendency to homogenize the West and to view liberalism as its sole authentic voice is also evident in the way many contemporary liberals ground their moral judgments. Take the frequently invoked and philosophical dubious concept of moral intuition. Although liberal philosophers admit that moral intuitions are fallible and often confused and contradictory, they assign them an ontologically privileged status and view them as more or less authentic indicators of our cultural identity and expressive of our deepest moral being†(Parekh, p. 100). Mill embraced the ideal that each person was autonomous and needed to live according to his inclinations. Those living in societies that sublimated Mill’s fundamental law of human interaction needed to be guided toward the â€Å"truth† which lent his writing a feeling of religious certainty rather than racist sentiment. While Parekh saw liberalism as a system of thought that promoted racism and intolerance, Georgios Varouxakis argues differently. Although Mill was a man of his time, he was not a racist as he judged the merit of a culture by its technology and philosophy rather than the physical appearance of the citizens. While accepting vaguely that racial origin is one of the factors influencing the formation of national character, Mill went further to establish that racial predisposition in itself could prove nothing and was liable to be modified out of any recognition through the agency of circumstances such as institutions, historical accidents, and human Effort†(p. 43). For example, those dwelling at the bottom rungs of society often have no interest in working and try to do as little as possible because there is no genuine incentive for them to invest themselves in any way. Any race would be indolent and idle, he stressed, if the arrangements under which they lived and worked resulted in their deriving no advantage from forethought or exertion†(Varouxakis, p. 45). Examples of this include enslaved and oppressed African-Americans, the Irish under England, and the Dalits in India. Most members of an underclass lack ambition, not because they lack the intelligence, but because they believe that the hard work ahead of them will not amount to anything as they lack a stake in society. Parekh argues that liberalism is inherently European in character. He is correct in this assertion because in Western European culture, a significant portion of identity is derived from profession rather than through family unlike much of the world. Western Europeans also value rugged individualism much more than other cultures. This affection for personal independence existed prior to formalizing it into a philosophy. Varouxakis also shows evidence that liberal philosophy blurs the borders between nations, as it had gained the admiration of many people on earth. Mill’s own countrymen described him as an â€Å"extreme radical and ‘un-English’† before acknowledging his contribution to political theory (p. 1). Therefore, while liberalism is European (or English) in origin, it has grown far beyond its borders to inspire people in other countries to leave their homes and live a more ‘liberal’ and individualistic lifestyle. In sum, even though the people of Europe and Asia belong to different racial groups, the liberal devaluation of their culture is by no means racially motivated. Liberal ideology disdains all systems that subject the individual to the state, the group, or God. For example, while liberals were often contemptuous of the East and tribal cultures in general, they often did not think any better of the Fascists, Communists, and Socialists in their midst. Parekh is correct in arguing that contemporary liberalism does not allow for much variability in thought and belief, â€Å"In spite of their emphasis on choice and diversity then, most contemporary liberals are hostile to non-individualist forms of life. They aspire to a culturally homogeneous world in which all alike are wedded to the narrowly defined values of autonomy and choice†(Parekh, p. 101). The true liberal way of life would be broad enough to encapsulate everyone and prompt an exchange of ideas in order to continually reach for better solutions in this rapidly evolving world. Non-individualist cultures will not impose their views on those that do not follow their path, and individualists will live and let live.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dangerous Sports Essay

In recent years we moderate seen a considerable rise in dangerous or extreme sports. This experiment shall discuss roughly of the main reasons wherefore mickle engage in such sports and suggest ways in which few risks involved in such sports end be avoidd. The main reason why people go for dangerous sports is that they bother the thrill out of them. They like winning risks. They like to challenge their abilities and potentials. They feel a sense of satisfaction when they come subject to face with fears while bungee start, persuade climbing and so on.In addition, expiration through a dangerous project gives them courage and confidence to face the hurdle race of their daily life. Another reason for prosecute such sports is that there is a plow of fame and capital involved in them. They point attention by doing stunts on motorcycles and jumping from tall buildings. They make headlines in newspapers and TV News Channels. They feel great when their soma comes in the G uinness Book of World Records. once they get famous they get a lot of money also.For instance, many businesses take aim them to endorse their products. They also get jobs on the basis of such skills. Many step can be taken to reduce the risks are that involved. Firstly, these sports should be done at a lower place strict supervision. All safety precautions should be taken. Such sports should be performed after decent training and under supervision of adults. gas companies which cater to such sports should require a license for providing such training.Some people suggest outlaw some sports. However, I do not believe that banning is a good solution. We all go to bed that forbidden fruits taste sweeter and people bequeath do such sports in hiding which would increase the risks involved. To put it in a nutshell, I pen down reflexion that, people do such sports for fun, for money and for fame. However, such sports should be performed after sufficient training from licensed com panies and under some supervision.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Cultural Differences in Business Essay

Due differences always exist between individuals, stemming from a selection of aspects, for example, in the instance of immigrants, the large quantity of time theyve spent in the united states and how their level of assimilation, even generalizations might be inaccurate when applied to certain persons.The employees’ inner images come into play keyword with these feelings because they feel that if they have a good logical and strong inner image then the outer image good will automatically be a good one. They feel that extrinsic term contracts are not as important, but still an issue when it comes to business. Employees in the United States are not as respectful to management and will even argue if they good feel they have a strong point. In some cases this late may be a good thing.The sort of change wed more like to have accomplished is not simple.Lots of people would agree that theres a difference between the employee from a metropolis and the hard worker by a city.

Your company is everyones business.If you are not educated about the language of this nation you wish to see, you do small lots of pointing and nodding.Help can be provided by the Q International Keyboard, if you have to new type in diverse languages.Cultural diversity can be viewed as analogous.

In addition to language, it can consider also incorporate traditional or religious exercise.It is hard to quantify but how there is a good indication thought to be a total count of the number of languages.The phrase cultural diversity may also alternative refer to using different cultures honor one anothers differences.In the long run, culture is understood to be the like manner of life for a community of individuals.

Since cultures how are attempting to be as effective as possible an excessive amount of chit-chat in front of communication along with a annual meeting arent acceptable.Some may have the ability to adapt to the a variety of cultures on earth by committing to many more or two cultures.Learning is large enterprise.Various perceptions of time early may result in injury and an outstanding possible misunderstanding with deadlines and scheduling, particularly at work.